Orange Tree Golf Resort10601 N 56th St Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Attendees to our forums in January and May came away with valuable information. Don't miss the final forum in the series - there are only 100 slots available. We will give you the tools to help prepare you to set and implement your 2019 Goals, including how to review SWOTT and how it can help you, and quickly review Strategic Planning and how you can use it to implement your goals. Plus gifts and chances to win some great prizes!
Seminar is for Owners & Managers - No CEU credit
Sponsor Packet Participant Packet
11:30 - Registration
12:00 - Lunch, Welcome, Invocation
1:00 - Sponsors/Vendors Introduced
1:15 - Keynote Speaker Pete Schopen
2:45 - Break
3:00 - Topic Workshop
4:00 - Panel Discussion w/Hors d'oeuvre /Bar
5:30 - End
This is the 3rd of 3 forums.