AzPPO Tucson Quarterly Meeting - August

  • 08/16/2012
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Metropolitan Grill, Tucson - 7892 N. Oracle Rd.


  • As an AzPPO member an organization may have one complimentary attendee, any additional attendees from that organization will have a fee associated.
  • If you are not a member of the organization, but would like to see if it's a good fit for you, this registration is for you. We do ask that you register for only 3 events as a non-member, after which you would then join the organization. We feel this allows ample time to evaluate your member benefits.

Thank you for registering for our Quarterly meeting and supporting our industry. We look forward to seeing you there.
Registration is closed

AZPPO invites you to an evening of fun, networking, and information with your fellow Pest Professionals.

The Supreme Court Ruling on the Affordable Care Act and - What It Means For Employers

Presented by: Joanna Morrow
Arizona Benefit Consultants

Who Should Attend: Small employers who offer health insurance to less than 50 employees, business owners, senior managers, or any staff directly involved in the procurement and management of benefits

What You Will Learn:
  • What parts of the ACA do I need to focus on RIGHT NOW?
  • What are the tax implications?
  • Will it make sense for me to pay a penalty, or continue to offer benefits?
  • How do I prepare for 2014
Added Bonus: Learn a simple and fair formula to calculate your Medical Loss Ratio refunds to employees.
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