2025 Great Western Conference - SPONSORS

  • 03/26/2025
  • 03/27/2025
  • 263 N Center St, Mesa, AZ 85201


  • Includes:
    Logo recognition on print materials
    Logo recognition in our slideshow (played in exhibit hall during breakfast, breaks, and lunches)
    Newsletter and Social Media Recognition
    Pre-Post Attendee List
  • Includes:
    Logo recognition on print materials
    Logo recognition in our slideshow (played in exhibit hall during breakfast, breaks, and lunches)
    Newsletter and Social Media Recognition
    Pre-Post Attendee List
  • Includes:
    Logo recognition on print materials
    Logo recognition in our slideshow (played in exhibit hall during breakfast, breaks, and lunches)
    Newsletter and Social Media Recognition
    Pre-Post Attendee List
    Leave "swag" or flyers in lounge area
  • Includes:
    5-10 minute speaking opportunity during lunch
    Logo recognition on print materials
    Logo recognition in our slideshow (played in exhibit hall during breakfast, breaks, and lunches)
    Newsletter and Social Media Recognition
    Pre-post attendee list
  • Includes:
    5-10 minute speaking opportunity during lunch
    Logo recognition on print materials
    Logo recognition in our slideshow (played in exhibit hall during breakfast, breaks, and lunches)
    Newsletter and Social Media Recognition
    Pre-Post Attendee List
  • Includes:
    5-10 minute speaking opportunity
    Logo recognition on print materials
    Logo recognition in our slideshow (played in exhibit hall during breakfast, breaks, and lunches)
    Newsletter and Social Media Recognition
    Pre-Post Attendee List
    Logo Branded Drink Tickets
    Specialty Named Cocktail
  • Includes:
    Logo recognition on print materials
    Logo recognition in our slideshow (played in exhibit hall during breakfast, breaks, and lunches)
    Newsletter and Social Media Recognition
    Pre-Post Attendee List
    Logo Branded Drink Tickets
    Specialty Named Cocktail
  • Logo on all print materials, Slideshow representation, Tile Ad in Newsletters
  • Includes:
    The opportunity to provide logo branded lanyards to all attendees. (500-must be double clip lanyards)
  • Includes:
    Logo recognition in our slideshow (played in exhibit hall during breakfast, breaks, and lunches)
    Post Social Media Recognition
    Pre-Post Attendee List
  • Includes:
    Wifi name/password = your company name
    Logo recognition on print materials
    Logo recognition in our slideshow (played in exhibit hall during breakfast, breaks, and lunches)
    Pre-Post Attendee List


Sponsorship Levels

Hospitality Reception - $750 

WiFi Sponsor - $1000 

Conference Lounge - $1000 

Hospitality Dinner - $1000 

Breakfast Sponsor - $1000 

Lunch Sponsor - $1500 

Raffle Prize Sponsor - $500 

If you have questions please contact us.

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